
Plastic Packaging Recycling

Not only are the economic benefits of plastic packaging recycling clear, compliance with legislation is mandatory, and public image preservation is crucial. If you pay particular attention to ensuring that both consumer and political demands are met, your organisation is less likely to be under threat for poor environmental performance. In the current day and age, businesses within the packaging supply chain are coming under increased pressure from legislation, material use restrictions and taxes.

Here at Lovewaste Limited we are committed to offer the highest level of plastic packaging recycling with assured environmental compliance. There are many benefits to your organisation of using Lovewaste Limted to recycle plastic waste. Using us to recycle plastics ensures that you are proactive in reducing your carbon footprint, reducing landfill costs and ultimately increasing your revenue.

Currently in the UK we use over 5 million tonnes of plastic each year of which an estimated 25% is recycled. This figure is expect to significantly increase over the next few years, however, this can only be achieved is businesses do their bit in terms of plastic packaging recycling. The benefits of plastic packaging recycling are simple: when you recycle plastics less plastic is going into landfills. In addition, when you recycle plastic waste less oil is used in the manufacturing of plastics. Finally, plastic packaging recycling means that less energy is consumed.

Recycle Plastic Waste – Get in Touch

With a dedicated technical support team here at Lovewaste Limited, we are on-hand to deal with all of your waste materials no matter what form they are in. If you would like more information on plastic packaging recycling or if you would like further details on how to recycle plastics, contact us today by emailing sales@lovewaste.com or alternatively you can contact Aaron Law on 07823 325743.